Monday, June 11, 2012

Wanted by the Park Service - $5000 reward

Have you seen this man? This is a composite sketch of the suspect in the sexual assault and knifing of a woman in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on Friday, June 8. The Park Service is offering a $5000.00 reward for information leading to his arrest and conviction.

For commentary on personal safety in the parks, see my Examiner article HERE

Only you can be your first responder!

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wisconsin Governor Scott beats recall

As I write this Tuesday night, Governor Scott Walker has soundly beat a recall vote. Gun owners will recall that Walker, after years of vetoes by former Governor Jim Doyle, signed Wisconsin's handgun carry bill into law.

What now? It appears to me that this race is a precursor of the most important race in my lifetime. It will be challenger Governor Mitt Romney vs incumbent Barack Obama.

The honest truth is we don't know exactly what Romney will do if he is elected, but based on his recent history, we can be sure that Obama, if reelected, will have an influence on this great nation far after he has left office. We can say, with reasonable assuredness that he will change the mix in the Supreme Court. We had 5-4 decisions in both the Heller and McDonald cases. These cases, respectively, recognized the right to keep arms in Federal Enclaves (Heller) and the several states (McDonald). A different mix in the court, as assured by Obama if reelected, will push the pendulum back in the other direction.

Additionally, Obama has significantly accelerated this nation along the continuum from capitalism to fascism to socialism. Can the Republic bear four more years of such progress? I think not.

To all my friends who are loyal supporters of Dr. Ron Paul, the reality is that Paul simply can't win this election. So, PLEASE think carefully, and ask yourself if it is worth it to follow your heart and vote for Paul (if he becomes a third party candidate), or will it serve the greater good if you get behind Romney and defeat Obama. Which is worth more to you?

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do you feel lucky, punK?

Check out my latest post over at Examiner.

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Students Take Aim at College Gun Bans

From Students for Concealed Carry

Students Take Aim at College Gun Bans
April 3, 2012 — Seven students were gunned down yesterday morning in California on
the same day that a national protest began to raise awareness about students being left
helpless against such murderers.
The national Empty Holster Protest, organized by Students for Concealed Carry,
involves students strapping on empty holsters to illustrate their defenselessness at the
hands of college gun bans. The event runs through April 6 and involves hundreds of
college campuses across the US.
“This is a poignant and ironic example of the very thing we’re protesting,” said David
Burnett, the group’s spokesman. “Colleges invite these shootings by guaranteeing
criminals their victims will be disarmed. It takes more than signs to fend off killers.”
Although the details of the massacre are still unclear, it remains apparent that
prohibitions against firearms were completely ineffective. Over 20 such college
shootings have occurred on so-called “gun-free” campuses since 2001. At the same time,
more than 200 campuses in six states allow students to carry handguns to class without
experiencing any such rampages.
“Gun-free zones are defense-free zones,” said Burnett. “Since our colleges can’t
guarantee our safety, it’s time for them to allow us a fighting chance and decriminalize
David Burnett, Director of Public Relations
Students for Concealed Carry
Students for Concealed Carry is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization
comprised of over 40,000 supporters which advocates for legal concealed carry on
college campuses.

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tennessee parking lot bills need action

It is time to contact your Tennessee House and Senate members to get the right parking lot bill passed.

See the complete details in this link from NRA, and take action.

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The greatest gun salesman in America

The Greatest Gun Salesman In America: President Barack Obama [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.