Saturday, July 18, 2015

Planned Parenthood on fetal tissue

"The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits from fetal tissue is not true!" she says at about two minutes in.

I guess that's so, since PP is a non-profit organization.

Profit or not, the Nazi holocaust pales in comparison to the number of lives lost in the US since abortion was legalized.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

One New York murderer killed

He got the "death penalty", albeit delayed. #interredisdeterred

His partner is still on the loose.

Gun registration is a bad idea

Read about it at KnoxGunGuy

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Today, the local newspaper mentions a grant the Tennessee governor is giving away.

Does anyone ask, "Where did the money come from?"

There is no free stuff. Somebody has to pay. Us and/or our children.

Gun bans are a bad idea

 Read about it at KnoxGunGuy

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A preview of the rapture of the Church

Many Christians (including myself) believe that the rapture* of the Church will usher in a period of unprecedented lawlessness.

Recent murders in Baltimore give, perhaps, a hint of what that will be like. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in His people specifically and in world generally. In somewhat of a parallel, the police are among us, restraining, by their very presence, many evil actions.

In Baltimore, we hear the police have effectively withdrawn from the scene. Good citizens have been disarmed by decades of Democratic politicians. The result: a current state of general lawlessness.

When the Holy Spirit withdraws concurrent with the rapture of the Church, those left behind can expect to see Baltimore cubed.

Will you be among those that leave, or among those that live in that utter chaos?

*The sudden taking of all living Christians from earth.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Air bag recall

Go to the .gov website to check and see if there is a recall on your vehicle. click HERE.