Friday, October 25, 2019

ERPO's are bad law

UPDATE: After learning that the H-C managing editor had been on vacation when I sent my ERPO letter; and prompting from Jenny to resubmit it. I did send it in again. They printed it HERE.

Freedom of the Press is free only if you own the press. Below is my recent letter to the editor of the Cookeville Herald-Citizen. It seems doubtful after this much time that they will publish it. So, here it is.

October 5, 2019
Editor, Herald-Citizen:

Advocates of Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO’s or Red Flag Laws) are really more interested in depriving citizens of their lawfully owned guns than they are in public safety.

H.R. 3076, currently under consideration in Congress, is flawed from the beginning, by authorizing confiscation of private property following an ex parte hearing. This means that the respondent first learns of being targeted when heavily armed G-men show up at his door before daybreak to seize his guns.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Muddy River Tactical Holster

Like many other Pistol People, I have accumulated my share of holsters, and even made a few. The problem is that practically every holster has some negative factor. Like handgun choice, compromise is the order of the day.

Defensive handguns need to be as powerful as a bazooka and as light as a feather. So, if you choose a .50 Desert Eagle as a defensive pistol, it may serve double duty as a boat anchor, but it will tend to make you have a list to starboard.

But, I digress . . .

There are a number of factors to consider when looking for a holster. Some are:

  • Inside the waistband (IWB)
  • Outside the waistband (OWB)
  • Clock position*
  • Cant (tilt)
  • Shoulder - vertical
  • Shoulder - horizontal
  • Shoulder - angled
  • Belt thickness and stiffness

Front view
I gave up on IWB when I learned that you have to wear larger pants. Since I didn't carry the big gun every day (often opting for the pocket rocket), my waist tended to expand to fit the larger pants. Uh, not good!

Now, the chief advantage of IWB is concealability. But that advantage diminishes when a cover garment is long enough to cover the muzzle of an OWB holstered pistol. So, in recent years I have tried several different OWB holsters with varying degrees of success. One, of thick leather, has an attached magazine pouch. It has poor retention, though. Another, which I made, holds the pistol high and tight, but has poor retention.

Sweat shield is standard

Recently, I decided to try an OWB Kydex holster from Muddy River Tactical. I was pleasantly surprised to see the large number of pistols they make holsters for. They include two styles of belt loops with each order. A nice
choice, at no extra charge. Chicago screws also allow for cant adjustment.

I ordered the holster and it came quickly. My pistol fit perfectly, but there was a problem. The holster had almost zero retention. So I got on the phone and called Muddy River. Kevin, the owner answered. Wow! I started to tell Kevin the problem, and he asked my name, and order number. I gave them to him and he said, "I will send you a return label right now."

Dimple in trigger guard provides positive retention

He did.

I sent the holster back on his dime, they put a nice dimple in the trigger guard, and, Voila!, problem solved. I could have probably done that, but I thought Kevin would want to make it right.
Chicago screws and multiple holes
allow cant adjustment

He did.

the pistol slides in, snaps in place, and is held securely.

Based on reasonable price, speed, and excellent customer service, I highly recommend Muddy River Tactical.

*12 o'clock is front and center, 3 is on the right hip, etc.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Is Walmart filtering guns on their wifi?

Let me be clear, I am not boycotting nor calling for a boycott of Walmart. I realize that it can be very difficult in some locales to not use them.

But, the more I see, the more I am inclined to move my business elsewhere, when possible.

For instance, its not simply that they are going to discontinue selling certain ammo (which will be good for real gun stores), Walmart is also
. . .a charter member of the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership, organized by Walmart and Everytown for Gun Safety (a Bloomberg gun ban group).
And if that is not enough, they are apparently doing some filtering on their wifi. Today, while in Walmart, I clicked on a link to take me to The Truth About Guns site.

Here's what I got:

Then I turned my wifi off, and the site popped right up:

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Link: Recalling the Tragic History of Gun Control

Murderers with poisonous ideologies have taken the lives of innocents once again. And the response is the same as it always is: Politicians turn to the proven solution of creating yet more felonies to criminalize law-abiding gun owners. . . .

Read this article by Stephen P. Holbrook at The American Spectator HERE.

h/t David Hardy

Friday, August 23, 2019

Link: Handgun carry permit class lesson more than guns

Dickson Detective (Galesi 6) 25 ACP - EXCELLENT  Guns
Dickson Detective 25 photo credit GunsAmerica
Lindsay McReynolds, Managing Editor at the Cookeville Herald-Citizen recently wrote an interesting editorial piece on guns.

This may be different from what you would expect.

Read McReynolds's description of her venture HERE.

She concludes with the hope of everyone who carries a defensive firearm, "And while I hope I never have to use it in a situation where someone is trying to harm me or someone I care about, I'm grateful to know more about another tool I can use to defend myself."

NOTE:  From the context of the article, I believe she shot a different gun while taking the class. The Dickson Detective pictured here is similar to one she owns, a hand-me-down from her grandmother.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ballistic wampum: buy now

Money has historically been a medium of exchange and store of value. Hard currencies, such as gold and silver have been used for centuries as money. Paper money has been substituted for gold and silver in times past. Paper can be more convenient and is easily transportable. Paper Silver Certificates, for example were issued until 1963, when they were replaced with Federal Reserve Notes, which have no backing except for the “full faith and credit” of the issuing (US) government.

Wampum was a currency used by North American Indians made of beads of polished shells.
The late Jeff Cooper in his book Fireworks (limited supply), discusses the abstract concept of money, and the good faith necessary for a currency to have value. In Chapter 20, Ballistic Wampum, he states,  
"A trustworthy entity (king, nation, company, bank) which promises to redeem its paper in gold, on demand, can issue pretty good money. Obviously when an untrustworthy entity does not so promise, what it issues as "money" has no value at all apart from a sort of social momentum."
These words, published in 1980, are as true today as then. Cooper, at that time noted a commodity conspicuously lacking from lists of things to stock in case of a disaster. He, of course, was speaking of ammunition. As he states, it is more valuable than paper, and even more valuable than minted coins in the event of a monetary collapse. Cooper says ammunition can be used to shoot to “stock your larder,” and in his unique prose, “keep the ill-disposed off your back.”
But also, ammunition can be used as a medium of exchange and store of value, money. When he wrote this book, a round of 22 long rifle was worth about 3 ½ cents. Today (August 2019), accounting for inflation, it is much less expensive, available for less than 3 cents per round (and free or low cost shipping with some suppliers). “Clearly the 22 long rifle is the big item,” said Cooper, since everybody has a 22. He also advised that you buy some of other calibers.

It may be that supplies of ammo and guns become severely limited as politicians are heating up their rhetoric against guns. Now may be a good time to hedge your bets.
So go buy some ammo, and when you do, buy an extra box or two. Don't buy out the store, though, leave some for your neighbor. Date the ammo, and after you have accumulated enough, rotate you old stock out (shoot it), and replace it with new.
For more info: Jeff Cooper