Thursday, October 27, 2016

Four Justices

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Zoysia growth 2016

This photo, the last of this season, was taken October 13, 2016. In addition to watering every other day, the area was lightly fertilized  again in September.

Contrast the picture above with this picture from August 2014, about 2 years ago.

As I have mentioned before in this series, the soil is a heavy clay subsoil. The builder scraped all the topsoil away.

My original essay, found in the Tennessee Lawn Grass tab above talks about propagation of Zoysia grass.

This summer has been particularly hard on all lawns in this area. Most Fescue lawns near me have become mostly crabgrass. my Zoysia that has not been watered has dried up.

This winter, I will transfer more plugs from good Zoysia sod into bare or dead areas, and let spring rains bring them out.

If you have any desire to install a Zoysia lawn, check out my tab above.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Two choices

You may not like it, but you only have TWO realistic choices in this 2016 presidential election.

On the Left, you have Hillary Clinton.
Towards the Right, you have Donald Trump.

There are other contenders, but unless you've been smoking wacky weed, you know that they are not going to win.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Who, or what, is really on the presidential ballot in 2016

In Knox County, Tennessee, we are currently in the midst of an election that includes county commissioners, school board members, and aldermen in Farragut.

But another group on the ballot is judges. In Tennessee, high level judges are appointed, then in order to stay on the court(s), they undergo a retention vote. (read more)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Musing on the 2016 race for the White House

It really is not about Clinton or Trump

Here are some points to ponder:
1. The next president will be one of those two. The third party candidate can't win.
2. That president will appoint some unknown number of Supreme Court Justices. They will have a profound effect on us for the next forty years. This includes your progeny.
3. That president will appoint various federal trial judges and federal appellate judges.
4. That president will appoint various federal prosecutors.
5. Undoubtedly, she will go far left in those appointments, if she is elected.
6. We don't absolutely know about him.
7. None of us has a crystal ball and we don't really know who (between those two) that president will be.
8. A vote for Trump is a vote against Clinton.
9. A third party vote, while it may make you feel better about yourself, will not help defeat Clinton.
10. It's not about picking a winner, it't trying to make a winner.
11. As John Richardson paraphrases Donald Rumsfeld: When you go to war, you go with the Army you have, not the Army you wish you had. (You don't have Ted Cruz, and the 3rd party can't win.)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Restroom deja vu

When I was a child in the deep south, the Democrats were in power, segregation was the law, and service stations  had three rest rooms.

  • On the side near the front was the LADIES
  • On the side further back was one labeled GENTLEMEN
  • Around back was a third restroom with COLORED on the door. This was for blacks of both genders.

Reason eventually prevailed, and the third restroom was eliminated. HIS & HERS, as it should have been all along.

Now the Democrats are telling us again we need only one restroom.

XX's, XY's, and whatever are all supposed to share.

How, in the name of common sense, with the history of politicians and coaches preying on boys, can we as a society enhance opportunities for pedophilic men to prey on little girls?

Do we really want that voyeur who was watching the female sportscaster in the next stall because he says he is getting in touch with his feminine side today?

Gimme a break!