Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Gun Control Act of 1968 crumbling around the edges

Alan Gura wins another important gun rights case. See my Examiner commentary, with a little history HERE.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Vermont ‘gun control’ push draws organized opposition

David Codrea reports on the state that has "Constitutional Carry", since, like for-ev-er!

It has worked well for them. They don't need more stinkin' gun control laws, either.

Tennessee 2015 Guns in Parks bill gets media attention

WBIR-TV interviewed Mayor Ralph McGill and me on the issue. McGill feels he must maintain control of citizens who:

  • Have no felony convictions
  • Have never been convicted of domestic violence
  • Have no history of mental illness, aclohol or drug addiction
  • Have passed an FBI background check, with fingerprints on file with the FBI
  • Have passed mandatory training in firearms usage and applicable law

Yet Farragut does not provide any semblance of security at Farragut parks, or along greenways. Felons are free to come and go as they please.

How long has it been since you have seen any armed security at Farragut parks?

See the interviews and further commentary at Examiner HERE.

Friday, February 6, 2015

POTUS has heard the truth

Yesterday, Darrel Waltrip was the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast. In attendance were POTUS, FLOTUS, the Daila Lama, and other dignitaries.

Waltrip gave an excellent address, in which he claimed the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Consider Jesus's claim, and Waltrip's statement. If true, they are true to the exclusion of all other roads to salvation.

What path will you follow?