Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Not legal in Tennessee

Reports are out the Brits are buying baseball bats like crazy, to provide for their personal defense. Handguns have been virtually outlawed in Great Britain for quite a few years.

In Tennessee, carrying a baseball bat for defense is not a viable option:

39-17-1307.  Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon.

  (a)  (1) A person commits an offense who carries with the intent to go armed a firearm, a knife with a blade length exceeding four inches (4''), or a club.(emphasis added).

This law, originally a slave code, has been modernized, and applies to all.

Betcha didn't know that!

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Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Mast General Store vs self defense

The Mast General Store has posted their stores against lawful gun owners, and even suggests you leave your guns at home. For the complete story, see my post at Examiner.

What do you think about this?

UPDATE:  Policy changed? See later post.

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Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tennesse 6th Senate District candidate Victoria DeFreese

Victoria DeFreese has provided the following answers to the gun rights questionnaire*. The same questions have been provided to her opponents, but they have not yet responded.

July 27, 2011

1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges our birthrights?

I believe that the Bill of Rights clarified natural rights of man that are God-given ~ life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and property.  I do believe that the US Constitution is the "supreme law of the land."  I also believe that the 10th amendment was ratified to explain the limits of the federal government:  "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state?

I believe that the powers of the federal government should be limited.  I believe any infringement on our Bill of Rights should be proactively protected by and from all levels of government.

3. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider constitutional.

Most gun laws that are restrictions on gun carry or ownership I do not support. I think  any restriction on a non felons from gun carry or ownership in about any situation  is a bad law and unconstitutional. I guess I would go with gun crime laws such as armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and such would be constitutional gun laws.

4. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider unconstitutional.

Bans on public land (outside of courtrooms) from right to carry.  

5. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gun rights policy conference coming soon

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Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.